Do Gun Safes Have to be DOJ Approved?

Stay secure and stay compliant. Learn about DOJ-approved gun safes and protect your firearms and stay on the right side of the law.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is crucial in establishing and enforcing regulations. They help protect firearm owners and the general public. One such regulation is the DOJ-approved gun safe. 

The top safety tip to avoid gun violence is to own a gun safe. But do gun safes have to be DOJ approved?

Stay with me as we uncover the answers to this important question. I will provide valuable insights that will help you make an informed decision for the safety and security of your firearms. 

What is DOJ? 

The Department of Justice (DOJ) was established on July 1, 1870, under the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant. 

The DOJ is a federal executive department. They are responsible for enforcing laws, administering justice, and ensuring public safety within the United States. 

The DOJ’s primary functions include:

1. Investigating and prosecuting federal crimes.

The DOJ is responsible for investigating and prosecuting federal crimes through its various law enforcement agencies,

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

2. Representing the United States in legal matters.

The DOJ represents the U.S. government in legal matters. This is both in court and in negotiating settlements. 

The department’s litigating divisions primarily carry out this function. It handles cases ranging from civil rights enforcement to antitrust actions.

3. Ensuring public safety.

The DOJ plays a vital role in ensuring public safety. This is through its law enforcement agencies and its oversight of state and local law enforcement entities. It includes the regulation of firearm storage and safety measures, such as the approval of gun safes.

4. Advising the President and federal agencies.

The DOJ provides legal counsel to the President and federal agencies. It helps to shape policy and ensure that the executive branch’s actions are consistent.

Importance of DOJ Approval on Gun Safes

Understanding why DOJ approval is so important for gun owners is crucial. Here are the many benefits of investing in a DOJ-approved gun safe. This will also help you decide when to select the right storage solution for your firearms.

1. Compliance with State and Federal Laws

A DOJ-approved gun safe ensures you follow the state and federal firearm storage laws. By adhering to these regulations, you protect yourself from potential legal penalties. You also avoid the confiscation of your firearms. Compliance is not only a responsible choice. It is also necessary for law-abiding gun owners.

2. Security

DOJ-approved gun safes adhere to strict security standards. This includes robust locking mechanisms, pry-resistant doors, and reinforced steel construction. 

These standards provide the highest protection for your firearms. By this, you can avoid unauthorized access, theft, or damage. It also ensures the safety of your family and community.

3. Insurance Requirements

Some insurance providers mandate a DOJ-approved gun safe to qualify for coverage. Meeting this rule demonstrates your commitment to responsible firearm ownership. This also benefits you and your insurance provider.

4. Resale Value

Due to their higher resale value, DOJ-approved gun safes are often considered a wise investment. When it comes time to sell or upgrade your safe, a DOJ-approved model will likely be more valuable in the market. This is because it meets the stringent security standards and regulations many buyers prioritize.

6. Future-Proofing

By selecting a DOJ-approved gun safe, you invest in a storage solution that meets or exceeds current regulations and security standards. This forward-thinking approach helps ensure that your gun safe remains compliant with potential future changes in legislation. 

Drawbacks of DOJ-Approved Gun Safes

While there are many importance to owning a DOJ-approved gun safe, it’s also essential to consider some potential drawbacks:

1. Higher Cost

DOJ-approved gun safes often come with a higher price tag. This is due to their enhanced security features and compliance with strict requirements. This can be a significant consideration for gun owners on a budget who may weigh the benefits of a compliant safe against the added expense.

2. Limited Options

Several reputable manufacturers of DOJ-approved gun safes exist. But, the stringent requirements can limit the number of available options. 

This makes finding a safe that meets their size or style more challenging.

3. Added Weight and Installation Challenges

DOJ-approved gun safes are often heavier due to their robust construction. This makes the installation more challenging. Some gun owners may require professional assistance to install their safes securely. This adds to the overall cost and complexity of the process.

DOJ Approval Requirements for Gun Safes

Gun safes must meet various criteria to earn the coveted DOJ approval. This information will be valuable for firearm owners investing in a secure and compliant storage solution.

1. Locking System

A DOJ-approved gun safe must have a reliable and secure locking system. This includes combination locks, key locks, or electronic keypad locks. 

Some safes may also feature biometric locks for added security. The locking system must be tamper-resistant and provide high protection against forced entry.

2. Security Features

DOJ-approved gun safes must have various security features to protect the contents. This can include pry-resistant doors, concealed hinges, and reinforced steel door frames. 

Some safes may also have extra security features. Examples are alarm systems or GPS tracking. This is to protect against theft or unauthorized access.

3. Construction Materials

DOJ-approved gun safes must be constructed with robust materials, high durability, and protection. This includes heavy-gauge steel, which provides resistance against cutting, drilling, and prying. 

You must understand what gun safes are lined with and the steel thickness used in safe construction. This is important in determining its security and ability to resist forced entry.

List of DOJ-Approved Gun Safes

Finding a DOJ-approved gun safe can be challenging. This is due to the state’s stringent requirements. To help you navigate the options available, I have compiled gun safe manufacturers offering DOJ-approved models.

1. Liberty Safe

Liberty Safe is a well-known manufacturer of gun safes in the United States. It offers various models that meet DOJ approval requirements. 

Their safes are known for their construction, innovative security features, and exceptional fire resistance. Liberty Safe offers solutions for every gun owner’s storage needs.

2. Fort Knox

Fort Knox is another reputable gun safe manufacturer offering DOJ-approved models. Their safes boast a high level of security. It has reinforced steel construction, tamper-resistant locking mechanisms, and fire protection. 

3. Browning ProSteel

Browning ProSteel is a trusted name in the gun safe industry. It offers several models that meet DOJ approval standards. 

Browning ProSteel is also known for its robust construction and innovative security features. 

4. Winchester

Winchester is a legendary firearms manufacturer producing a range of DOJ-approved gun safes. Their safes are designed with security and durability, offering pry-resistant doors, reinforced steel construction, and fire protection.

5. Cannon Safe

Cannon Safe is a top gun safe manufacturer with a selection of DOJ-approved models. Their safes are built to provide maximum security. It has heavy-gauge steel construction, advanced locking systems, and fire resistance. Cannon gun safes have a removable door, and it’s easy to troubleshoot

6. American Security (AMSEC)

American Security, also known as AMSEC, is a reputable gun safe manufacturer offering DOJ-approved models. They are known for their high-quality construction and cutting-edge security features. AMSEC safes provide reliable protection for firearms and other valuables.


A responsible gun owner understands the state’s legal requirements for gun safes. You must weigh the advantages and drawbacks of DOJ-approved safes. Do this before making an informed decision.

The key takeaway is that responsible gun ownership goes hand in hand with secure firearm storage. 

You can opt for a DOJ-approved gun safe or another secure storage solution. The priority should always be to ensure your firearms’ safety and your home’s security.

I encourage you to invest in the right gun safe and consider security features. Always include the state requirements and personal preferences. 

With this knowledge, you help promote safety and compliance.


What is DOJ approval when it comes to gun safes? 

DOJ approval refers to gun safes meeting the Department of Justice’s security, construction, and design standards. This ensures they provide a secure storage solution for firearms.

Do gun safes have to be DOJ approved? 

While not required in every state, some states, like California, have strict regulations mandating the use of DOJ-approved gun safes for firearm storage.

Are there any benefits to purchasing a DOJ-approved gun safe? 

Yes. The benefits include enhanced security features, compliance with state laws, increased peace of mind, and higher resale value.

What states require DOJ-approved gun safes?

California is the most notable state requiring DOJ-approved gun safes. Other states may have varying requirements. You must check local laws for specific regulations.


Gun Safety.

“National Public Safety Partnership | Overview.” Bureau of Justice Assistance,

‌“History of the Department of Justice.”, 9 July 2019,

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